Cedrus has announced the launch of Interactive Clouds, a company formed with the mission to enable the successful, widespread and well-architected adoption of the cloud. Interactive Clouds is the creator of DreamFace, a powerful tool for organizations and developers looking to create cloud applications, and has made DreamFace available for immediate use in the IBM Cloud Marketplace and as a BlueMix service.

"As the incubator of Interactive Clouds, we believe in DreamFace and its potential to bring significant value to the developer communities and commercial organizations alike," said Nicolas Jabbour, Managing Partner of Cedrus. "Because DreamFace was born in the Cloud, built on a 100% pure Cloud-enabled stack, it leverages the full power of the Cloud. Only a browser is required to develop, test and deploy a very rich UI for Web and Mobile apps. Additionally DreamFace consumes virtually any service available in the private or public cloud, producing an unmatched experience in building enterprise-grade apps quickly and easily."

With its unique capabilities to enable the Internet Web developer and the Enterprise developer under one tool, and to put a "face" on virtually anything from APIs, social media, and Big Data to IBM BPM and Watson, teams can quickly produce Internet Web applications that respect enterprise-standards for security, scalability and manageability.

Developers and organizations are able to start using DreamFace today from the IBM Cloud Marketplace with a variety of offerings that satisfy different requirements from Community Edition to Basic, Professional and Enterprise packages.