ColoHouse Data Center and Colocation Hosting Facility has confirmed the commencement of "Phase II," an expansion project that will equate to over 6,000 sq ft of additional carrier-neutral, premium raised floor colocation space.

The colocation hosting provider  breaks ground amidst an agreement with Digital Realty, a leading global provider of data center solutions. The lease agreement substantially increased the length of the lease the company holds at 36 NE 2nd Street in downtown Miami; a telecom grade, Category 5 hurricane protected building which also resides outside of FEMA's 500-year flood zone. Moreover, this agreement solidified ColoHouse's advancement in the data center marketplace as well as their continued commitment to Miami.

ColoHouse is undoubtedly capitalizing on the opportunity created by the significant progress in the demand for IT infrastructure and services; which has already assisted the company in more than doubling their customer base within the last year. Additionally, given Miami's status as both a regional and international internet hub, ColoHouse's distinctive carrier-neutral presence has strengthened their value offering; as companies who require Miami connectivity increasingly utilize the company's solid internet backbone and redundant, flexible options.

The Phase II expansion, designed by an Uptime Institute Accredited Tier Designer, will feature added redundancy as well as increased space and power capacity. ColoHouse plans on releasing additional details later this year; as the build-out approaches completion.

"ColoHouse is committed to substantial investments aimed at further developing our data center and colocation services footprint," states Felipe Rodriguez, chief operating officer at ColoHouse. "Phase II is one progression of many, as ColoHouse strengthens its position within the data center industry."