TOKYO — NEC Corp. joined The Valuable 500, pledging to support its efforts and vision going forward.
The Valuable 500 was launched to promote workplace inclusion of people with disabilities. Established on the concept that "inclusive companies create inclusive societies," this initiative is aimed at encouraging business leaders to make the changes necessary to enable people with disabilities to unlock their business, social, and economic value.
For more than forty years, NEC has focused on creating an environment in which employees with disabilities can demonstrate their abilities. Since signing the United Nations Global Compact in 2005, NEC has implemented corporate initiatives based on the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact pertaining to the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
NEC remains dedicated to being a social value innovator capable of solving social issues and believes the driving forces behind this are people and culture. The company has supported wheelchair tennis for more than 20 years and is making efforts to solve environmental issues surrounding para-sports. Recently, The NEC Group Diversity Promotion Committee was established to facilitate discussions on accepting and capitalizing on diversity.