Universal Networking Services (UNS) has announced the launch of Universal Networking Services Institute for Data Center Professionals.

Waite Ave, vice president of operations said, “Today’s IT departments face complex challenges that demand forward looking IT solutions. Corporate CIOs, facility mangers, and IT managers are facing a real crisis when it comes to the efficiency of their critical facilities. Not least among these challenges is the delicate balancing act of ensuring reliability without energy cost getting out of control. High-density deployments are creating cooling challenges that cannot be solved by the current design practice. For example, data center cooling systems must be more adaptable to changing requirements. How cooling is deployed into today’s data centers has a major effect on operating costs. Most vendors are not addressing the pressing problems created by the current design practices or equipment. Our ‘Educational Series for Data Center Professionals’ provides educational opportunities while showcasing the latest in technologies for data center power, cooling, monitoring and management. Our customized training series provides the education that will lay the critical foundation to run an efficient data center. At UNS, our philosophy is to offer the data center professional the tools and resources to lower their Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and maximize efficiencies offered by the advancements in today’s data center architecture. We are very excited to team directly with the data center community to find real-time solutions to their unique challenges.”

About UNS Educational Series for Data Center Professionals

The Educational Series For Data Center Professionals is a customized training series conducted at the enduser’s facility that provides the education that will lay the critical foundation for your organization to run an efficient data center. UNS works diligently with you and your staff to customize a curriculum specific to your facilities requirements that educate and showcase the latest in technologies and best practices for data center power, cooling, monitoring, security and management. Choose either topics from current course curriculum (see course curriculum below) or customize your training. At UNS, we believe education is key to controlling your data center costs. With that in mind, we couple your customized training session with our signature Critical Facility Energy Profile (CFEP) assessment. To highlight, the CFEP service provides an on-site, non-invasive, risk free analysis of your current Network Critical Physical Infrastructure (NCPI) to determine the baseline efficiency of your data center. On the first day we will perform a site/data center assessment (CFEP), during which, items that are effecting efficiency and reliability are compiled. On the second day, we return to the facility to perform a customized education/training session on today’s best strategies for power, cooling, monitoring security and management using examples from YOUR facility. The education provided will drive your organization’s total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) as low as possible. UNS is committed to understanding our clients challenges and provide the tools needed to operate their businesses with reliability and maximum efficiency. Contact us today to learn more about this unique educational opportunity.

About Current “Educational Series for Data Center Professionals” Course Curriculum

Power Fundamentals-If you’ve ever asked yourself, what’s the difference between kVA and kW? AC and DC, isn’t that a band? Single-phase or three-phase?…then this is the course for you! In this course, students learn the fundamentals of AC and DC power, from generation to application.

Power Distribution- With great power comes great responsibility. One can have all the power in the world but efficiently distributing that power to your critical equipment is the trick that makes the difference between business as usual or lights out! In this course, students learn the fundamentals and application of efficient power deliver in terms of both off-site and on-site power generation.

Efficient Power Management-Optimizing TCO- Generator? Check. UPS? Check. Doors secured? Check. Red lights? Check…uh-oh! What do we do now? Who will we call? Is this covered under a service agreement? Managing your assets is one thing but doing so in a manner that lowers your TCO and allows you to sleep better at night takes some strategy. Increasing availability and reliability while continuously decreasing costs means you’ll have to know when to break from the crowd and try less conventional methods. This course is designed for the professional that has a solid understanding of both “Power Fundamentals” and “Power Distribution” and is ready to develop a strategy to manage their time, manpower and assets with maximum efficiency.

Critical Cooling 101-Fundamentals Of Air Conditioning- This course explains the fundamentals of air conditioning systems and how they can be leveraged in a data center to your advantage. Topics include: the properties of heat transfer, the ideal gas law, the refrigeration cycle, condensation control, and comfort vs. precision cooling. With a solid understanding of air conditioning principles, this course enables students to make knowledgeable decision on what air conditioning solutions are right for their data center-solutions based on fact, rather than sales and marketing strategy.

Efficient Cooling-Optimizing Cooling Strategies And Architecture-Today’s servers generate significantly more heat, and in more concentrated, confined space than they did 20 years ago. So, why are data centers still using the same cooling strategies of yesteryear? This course takes a hard look at data center cooling architectures from many angles: efficiency, reliability, TCO, feasibility and availability, enabling students to make the best choices in cooling their critical equipment. ”Understanding the difference between comfort cooling and critical cooling; understanding the different types of cooling architectures and their deployment; and developing a method of choosing one cooling strategy over another” are all topics discussed in this course offering.