Nlyte Software has announced the Virtual Power Distribution Unit (V-PDU) availability as part of the company’s leading Data Center Service Management (DCSM) Solution. The V-PDU offers equivalent capabilities and functionality of hardware-based PDU’s but at a 90% cost savings.

Offered as part of Nlyte’s PlatinumEdition, the new V-PDU continues the IT Industry’s trend of virtualizing data center hardware into more agile, scalable and less expensive infrastructure software. The foundation of the V-PDU is the Branch Circuit Analytics Engine, which is a core component of the newly released Nlyte Energy Optimizer (NEO).  The software enables data center management functions that mission-critical facilities normally spend thousands of dollars to derive from intelligent PDU using hardware.

Additionally, virtual PDU features offer IT and facility managers:

  • Automatic calculations of historical power and energy usage
  • Ability to charge back within departments
  • Automatic aggregation of power draw on Virtual PDUs
  • 2 network ports and provisioned addresses per panel, versus 2 per cabinet
  • Support for more than 10 cabinets perpanel (assuming 42 breaker panel)
  • Insight into risk at the rack level
  • Access to Nlyte Energy Optimizer (NEO) - Branch Circuit Analytics  (BCA)
  • Automatic support for data center monitoring & alarming requirements