As cyber risks escalate in — particularly in critical industries, like manufacturing, energy, and transportation — boardrooms are taking center stage in fostering a truce between information technology (IT) and operation technology OT.
According to research by IDC (International Data Corporation), released in December 2023, IT business growth in Mexico reached 22%, ahead of Brazil with 15%.
This infrastructure monitoring system from Sensaphone is designed to oversee crucial conditions across enterprise server room infrastructures in multiple locations.
The Zio Recording System represents a significant advancement in IP video recording technology, offering high performance, reliability, and versatility.
By employing a closed-loop design, these units effectively seal out ambient air, ensuring the recirculation of clean, cool air throughout the enclosure.
The data center renovations market is expected to register 14% CAGR from 2023 to 2032, driven by rapid advancements in data processing technologies and the escalating demand for increased data storage capabilities.