Training aspects of this endeavor are reviewed by the Advancing Academia Commission on Higher Education (AACHE), which aspires to be the preeminent resource for institutions of higher education striving to achieve excellence in fulfilling their missions.

It also intends, through voluntary assessment and adherence to high standards for student learning outcomes and operational behavior, to assure higher education’s publics that its accredited institutions are fulfilling their stated purposes and addressing the publics’ expectations. We expect that our institutions will comply with this mandate from the educational community.

In 1975 a secular non profit corporation called the Counsel on Postsecondary Accreditation (COPA) organized and began to exert its influence on the Government and higher education. In the early eighties this organization and the Department of Education came under fire. Chief individuals in the Reagan Administration attempted to dissolve the U. S. Department of Education, believing that such matters were better left to the States and private enterprise. The emphasis and pressures of both were seen to focus on political correctness rather than academic achievement. Standards were aimed more at the size of libraries, the number of Doctors to student ratio and financial strength rather that student achievement and satisfaction.

Over the next two decades the advances in modern education technologies and innovations made it even more apparent that neither, the Government or COPA was in step with the progress and demands of educational trends.

In 1987, then Secretary of Education William Bennett (later to become "Drug Czar," and then a bestselling author-philosopher) voiced similar complaints about the failure of accrediting agencies to deal with matters such as student competency and satisfaction. "Historically," he said, "accrediting agencies have examined institutions in terms of the resources they have, such as the number of faculty with earned Doctorates and the number of books in the library. Now [we] are considering the ways agencies take account of student achievement and development."

In 1990, Bennett's successor, Lauro F. Cavazos, while splitting an infinitive or two, said almost exactly the same thing: "Despite increasing evidence that many of our schools are failing to adequately prepare our children, either for further study or for productive careers, the accreditation process still focuses on inputs, such as the number of volumes in libraries or percentage of faculty with appropriate training. It does not examine outcomes—how much students learn."

Around the same time, John W. Harris, chairman of the National Advisory Committee on Accreditation, echoed these concerns: "It is not enough to know that teachers have certain degrees and that students have spent so much time in the classroom. The question is, can institutions document the achievement of students for the degrees awarded?"

In 1993 COPA voted itself out of existence and a new organization called COPRA was established.

In 1996 this organization also bit the dust and joined in the formation of what is know as the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). This organization’s guidelines are still in the draft stage.

Also according to Dr. John Bear’s article called “Accreditation “Lite:”

The battle lines were drawn or, as the more polite Chronicle put it on August 11, 1993, "Accreditors and the Education Department [are] locked in a philosophical disagreement over the role of accreditation." At this point, the six regional accreditors announced they would be joining with seven higher-education groups to form an organization to represent their interests in Washington. This lobbying group was to be called the National Policy Board on Higher Education Institutional Accreditation, or NPBHEIA. And various subsets of the by-now lame duck COPA were making plans to start as many as three replacement organizations to take over some or most or all of COPA's functions.

During the rest of 1993, the Department of Education was busily rewriting its accreditation guidelines, taking into account the unexpectedly fierce "leave us alone" response from the regional and professional accreditors. Meanwhile, Congress, not wishing to be left out of the mix entirely, passed, on November 23, 1993, the Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1993, which, among much, much else, decreed that the Department of Education was to cause each of the 50 states to establish a new State postsecondary review "entity" (SPRE) to evaluate schools within each state, both for compliance with various federal aid programs and, unexpectedly, to evaluate those colleges and universities that have "been subject to a pattern of complaints from students, faculty, or others, including...misleading or inappropriate advertising and promotion of the institution's educational programs...." If that wasn't an invitation for the states to go into the accreditation business, it was certainly in that direction.


An AACHE Certified Institution

In 2005 Leadership Logic Consulting (LLC) began investigating the possibility of an appropriate accrediting agency and in 2007, after the transitioning training for Information Technology, found that none of them delt with accrediting Mission Critical schools. LLC was more concerned with the selection and recommendation of curriculum than institutional accreditation.

The atmosphere of disarray and battle between the recognized secular authority and the Federal Department of Education spawned the incoproration of new accrediting associations that did not recognize the disparity of IT/Data Center/Mission Critical education.

In the late 2000’s LLC began to discuss with its teaching alliances the possibility of forming an accrediting association that could address the issue of curriculum and non traditional education in the field of IT/Data Center/Mission Critical as a singular and new issue derived from institutional accreditation.

In 2012 preliminary plans were made and Advancing Academia Commission for Higher Education (AACHE) was formed as an unincorporated alliance in 2013. It was determined that traditionally accredited institutions and the accrediting process had not focused on IT/Data Center/Mission Critical concentric education, and except for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM’s)  and Industry Associations, no formal process has encouraged the influence of this education and curriculum throughout our educational system. LLC launched the Advancing Achievers Technology Center (AATC) in 2013.

“AACHE and AATC exists to serve the educational aspects for the ever-changing technologies and systems used in the data center and critical equipment industry using a more formal approach. We aim to serve as a catalyst in supporting a network of teaching alliances that currently offer informal and semi-formal training. Our desire is to create a consortium of collaborative relationships within today's data center industry; (i.e. Mission Critical, EGSA, 7x24, Data Center Knowledge, etc.), and capturing the information from these venues, including field training, research, and other ancillary training programs offered by OEM's; and transitioning them into a formal education that can be disseminated through any university system."  - Dr. Timothy J. Oergel