Combined with many high-profile changes, new ventures, and new entrants elsewhere, these local changes suggest a new exuberance and perhaps a period of major growth. Certainly, new hiring, job changing, and new businesses suggest that we are entering a period of financial confidence.
Vendors, too, seem to be competing harder. For instance, both Schneider Electric and Synapsense are hosting get-togethers next week in New York City—on the evening before DatacenterDynamics New York event, when more than 1000 industry professionals will be in town to visit the show. The next day DataGryd will be showing off its facilities at Hudson Street, during event hours.
The industry changes I’m describing are quite extensive, and I expect to learn of more next week at DatacenterDynamics.
And vendors are already beating the drum to get attention at AFCOM’s Data Center World, which takes place in Las Vegas the following week. Based on the inquiries I’ve received so far, I expect to see a very large turnout with more than a fair share of new competitors—some exhibiting and some just walking the floor.
I’ve often said that tradeshows and magazines can be like viewed as an industry’s canary in the coalmine. The health of Datacenter Dynamics and Data Center World, along with the continued good fortune of Mission Critical, suggests that the air is very fresh in this industry.
I’ll be prowling the exhibit areas of both these shows in the next week, please feel free to stop me and tell me what’s happening in your corner of the industry.