A thorough check of electrical power systems and components before startup can uncover and correct problems that otherwise would lead to larger, costly issues in the future.
The Avondale Techplex is among the fastest-growing regions in the Phoenix market, and demand for capacity to serve the area’s technology corridor continues to accelerate.
While both public shareholders and private investors are seeking a competitive financial advantage today, they are also seeking a new approach to doing business.
More than ever, organizations of all sizes in the public and private sectors are rethinking their IT asset disposition (ITAD) strategy, putting equipment reuse first whenever possible over asset destruction and recycling.
The colocation site selection process has evolved dramatically. Gone are the days when prospective clients only had to consider standard Tier III site criteria in addition to mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP).
The BCxA is committed to developing and promoting building commissioning best practices and standards applicable to most, if not all, commercial, institutional, industrial, and mission critical buildings.
While they started out like lab spaces in the ’70s, data centers evolved. By the ’90s, most had transformed into enterprise-owned, purpose-built, “island fortresses” with all data held inside.
One project, 10 buildings, 20 companies, 90 systems, 1,500 pieces of equipment, and 1,500 tests — that’s what Environmental Systems Design Inc. (ESD) managed during the commissioning (Cx) of a 28-MW mission critical project for a Fortune 500 client.
In one of the most advanced financial services privacy breaches ever to occur in Australia, its largest bank lost control of 10 years’ worth of customers’ financial information when a subcontractor lost several tape drives containing banking statements from 2004 through 2014.
ASHRAE, a global nonprofit membership organization with more than 57,000 members in more than 130 countries worldwide, has been leading the engineering and development of facility standards and guidelines for 120-plus years.