It only takes a matter of seconds. Armed with a simple flash memory drive or USB port, an unauthorized user can quickly steal valuable data from a server rack with a working Ethernet connection.
It has been a great five years for Mission Critical. Over those five years, we have focused on numerous topics essential to data centers and other critical operations
Mission Critical is now celebrating it 5th anniversary. However, before you assume the editors didn’t catch the extra zero in the title, “50th Birthday,” let me note that the rate of change in the industry has been accelerating
Hurricane Sandy blasted dark clouds, high winds, and rain over the Northeast coast and left in its wake, not only a disaster but also an opportunity to assess the successes and failures of our disaster preparation, performance, and recovery.
While iCloud and colocation (colo) providers contiue to migrate to urban environments, enterprise and internet data centers look within rural areas to find inexpensive power and temperate climates.
Enterprise information technology (IT) and the supporting components can eat up a significant chunk of a company’s budget, with much of it allocated to the infrastructure and personnel needed to sustain it.
Cabling products and services are playing a more prominent role in the reliability and operation of data centers and emergency backup systems, which means that even small components of network infrastructures have a significant impact on data center operation, reliability, and cost.
No folks, I am not a heretic. But the continuing evolution of technology begs the question of whether the IT-facilities divide of the past will simply disappear.