Greenheck’s air distribution products include an extensive selection of supply and exhaust grilles and registers, ceiling diffusers, air terminal units (ATUs), linear diffusers and grilles, plenum slot diffusers, and VAV diffusers that are designed, engineered, and tested to meet a range of performance and aesthetic requirements.
Available in four sizes ranging from 20 to 36, the AER condenser fan offers performance up to 29,800 cfm and external static pressure up to 2.80 inches of water column.
Proper air filtration is critical to data centers, as dust buildup can lead to fan failures, overheating and — in worst cases — costly disruptions in service.
Yaskawa expandYaskawa expanded its HV600 family of HVAC drives by introducing the UL Type 12 Narrow Electronic Bypass and Configured Drive Packages, IP55/UL Type 12 Drive with Disconnect Switch, Redundant Drive Packages, and Multi-Protocol EtherNet (MPE) Option Card ed its HV600 family of HVAC drives.
These sensors provide constant real-time data to an accompanying monitoring device, which sends an immediate alert to designated personnel when readings fall out of the designated range.
The Danfoss Hansen FD83 series quick-disconnect couplings for data center liquid cooling applications are now available in a 2-inch size as well as additional configurations of the 1-inch size.
Greenheck SQ mixed-flow square inline fans are ideal for indoor and outdoor supply, exhaust, return, or makeup air systems in clean air applications, such as multifamily, offices, manufacturing, education, and health care facilities.