As part of its 10-year strategic plan, “Transformation Morgan 2030: Leading the Future,” Baltimore-based Morgan State University (MSU) partnered with Siemens on its journey to becoming a smart, connected campus of the future. Improvements currently underway include implementing a series of modernization upgrades to the university’s HVAC, security, and fire and life safety systems with a focus on energy efficiency, resiliency, and sustainability. All work is umbrellaed under a master service agreement between Maryland Clean Energy Center, Siemens, and MSU to support the campus transformation. Like many other higher education institutions, MSU must contend with significant deferred maintenance and infrastructure needs. COVID-19 helped accelerate the need for repairs and upgrades, as facilities and equipment remained dormant or underutilized due to a campus closure. With the aid of Federal COVID Relief funding, the university has been able to address some areas of concern, such as improving indoor air quality; however, there is more work to be done. By way of its partnership with Siemens, MSU is taking proactive steps toward becoming a state-of-the-art “smart campus” focused on energy efficiency and production through systems integration and digitalization with substantial investments in clean and renewable solutions. |