Business drivers, such as AI, the IoT, autonomous driving, 5G, advanced health care systems, and even retail services, have seen more IT being placed in nontraditional locations, often where data center resources do not exist. As edge data demands grow and computing power increases, data center infrastructure needs to become more portable and easily deployable. The R- Series was conceived to meet these needs while prioritizing sustainability and availability.
“With the rapid deployment capabilities of the R- Series and the growing demand for edge infrastructure, users can now deploy data center resources in hours, with greater flexibility, at nearly any density, without concern for the surrounding environment,” said Gavin Miller, CSMO at DDC Cabinet Technology.
This rack-level enclosure features onboard closed-loop cooling, adaptive suspension, security, and fire suppression. The product line fully replicates the features of traditional, containerized, and cloud data centers and are manufactured to NEMA 4 specifications.
“The design team first analyzed traditional data center builds and reimagined how critical components could be altered and enhanced to increase efficiency and reliability,” Miller said. “Various business use cases were also researched and analyzed to ensure the product would meet the requirements and provide a stable environment for the mission critical equipment that would be housed inside. The result was a full product line that supports 12U to 42U of standard 19-inch rack IT equipment with IT loads up to 60 kW.”
The product line includes patented shock and vibration, which allows for the units to be shipped and redeployed with the IT equipment inside and also isolates the equipment from harsh environments, like deep shaft mines, oil and gas platforms, and manufacturing floors, to name a few.
“With integrated environmental control, biometric security, fire suppression, and monitoring, the cabinet is now the data center,” Miller said. “If that isn’t a major change for the Mission Critical industry, we don’t know what is.”