Airedale Intl. and Asperitas are going head to head in a live online showdown, Oct. 14 at 3 p.m. BST/10 a.m. EST, to debate whether air or liquid represents the future of data center cooling.
Matt Evans, technical account manager at Airedale, will take on Rolf Brink, founder and CEO of Asperitas, in what has been dubbed the “Cool Wars” — a bid to decide whether air or immersion cooling will be king in the next generation of data centers.
In true U.S. style, there will be a motion presented to both participants, which will serve as the framework of the debate. The motion is, “Immersion cooling is more energy efficient and will therefore overtake air-based systems as the preferred cooling method in most large data centers by 2030.”
Mark Acton will serve as moderator, ensuring both representatives are given time to state their case and debate the other’s points and making sure things don’t get too heated. The audience includes consultants, contractors, industry experts, and novices, all keen to witness this one-off event.
“Liquid cooling as a technology is not just knocking on the door of the data center world — it’s threatening to knock it down,” said Darren Farrar, marketing manager at Airedale Intl. “As a traditional air-cooled system provider, we might be looking over our shoulder, but we are confident that with continued innovation, we will not be displaced as the technology of choice within most facilities.”
“Immersion of IT equipment within a dielectric fluid has been revolutionary in data center cooling and is the most efficient solution for today’s high chip density units which generate a lot of heat,” said Brink. “Plus, immersion cooling compliments wider goals to achieve an energy neutral data center industry globally as it can allow 99% of the energy to be used as valuable thermal energy. Immersion cooling enables simplified data center design and reduces energy costs, so we believe immersion cooling will be the clear winner in this debate.”
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