The PowerBlock3 generator is powered by a Volvo 16-liter engine platform. The engines are contained within purpose-built CSC-certified ISO shipping containers. Intended to overcome the problem of oversizing, the product is fully configurable — deployment can be reduced to 16 weeks, and the system is scalable from 1,875 kW to 3,125 kW. The Volvo TWD1673GE can achieve the desirable T4 particulate matter levels without the use of a diesel particulate filter. PowerBlock3 was designed for flexibility and operates well in both high temperatures and high altitudes. A 50°C radiator is standard, and the system operates as intended up to a height of 1,500 meters, or 4,921 feet. Low-voltage generation options are available up to 600 V and 5,000 A per each main output breaker.