RESTON, Va. — ScienceLogic unveiled its latest innovation in context-infused AIOps. With the introduction of behavioral correlation, ScienceLogic is transforming how IT teams identify, troubleshoot, and remediate service-disrupting events — before end-user impact can even be detected.
Modern IT environments breed complexity through the proliferation of applications and data, outstripping human capacity for analysis and response. Operations teams pressured to hunt down and fix customer-impacting IT events are often constrained by antiquated methods founded on human-centered analyses. With behavioral correlation, ScienceLogic introduces an efficient approach that leverages machine-speed detection and remediation. Real-time service health and risk can now be understood at a glance, allowing IT teams to rapidly address issues when they occur or even intercept potential service-impacting issues before they happen.
Behavioral correlation for ScienceLogic SL1 is delivered through tightly integrated core capabilities, including a comprehensive, real-time data lake that captures multimodal data types and their relationships; the ability to map and visualize IT services, their underlying dependencies, and associated health, availability, and risk; and machine-learning techniques that reason over these service topologies to detect the root cause of issues or anomalous behavior, and can recommend actions to address.
The end result is a system that provides holistic visibility into complex IT estates through an intuitive, service-centric lens. Decision-makers can quickly understand the impact, root causes, and relative priority — ensuring IT is spending time on what matters most to the business.
“This is a game-changing innovation that buries the old-school, reactionary approach to IT event management,” said Dave Link, ScienceLogic CEO. “We can now instantly provide a real-time picture across the entire ephemeral state of IT — pinpointing where service degradation is happening, which issues should be prioritized, and the potential business impact. The cohesive, service-level view alleviates IT teams scrambling from one incident to the next and empowers providers worldwide to deliver a resilient customer experience.”
With IT teams free from the 1990s war rooms and defensive positions battling “event storms,” they can embrace a new standard for situational awareness to help drive faster root-cause analysis and time to resolution.