Minkels’ new cabinet platform, Nexpand, was designed around four values: smart, solid, secure, and sustainable. 

  • Smart — The design of the cabinet is extremely flexible. For instance, the interior is built to be adjusted in thre dimensions, and the roof is completely modular, providing more space and flexibility for managing top-of-rack infrastructure.
  • Solid — The Nexpand platform consists of light but solid doors and frame that comfortably bear the weight of IT equipment.
  • Secure — Nexpand guarantees security by interfacing with the best platforms for electronic door locking, including high-security cable management integrated in the door and tamper-proof door mechanisms.
  • Sustainable — Sustainability is both embedded in the design of the product as well as in its functionality. Choice of environmentally friendly materials and processes for production and assembly. Futhermore, the cabinets are designed to ensure optimal airflow management resulting in an energy-efficient solution.
