This 1,200-kW CDU boasts a small footprint while supplying 1.2 MW of cooling capacity in a density of 14.6 square feet. It can be used as a new construction or retrofit liquid cooling solution for high-performance computing and enterprise data centers, as well as colocation, corporate network edge, government, research, and other data center formats. Its compatibility with existing ServerCool CDU’s enables modular growth of existing systems, and its pumping power allows it to be placed outside of the white space. Heat exchanger technology thermally transfers primary loop cooling to the secondary loop’s liquid cooling circuit for distribution to IT rack cold plates. It offers two redundant 15-hp stainless steel pumps that feature electronically commutated motors and variable-frequency inverters that modulate optimum performance flow rates. The unit is compatible with Modbus, BACnet™, and other building automation system protocols.