ST. LOUIS — Nortek™ Air Solutions’ ServerCool™ division has its coolant distribution unit (CDU) technology cooling dozens of the world’s most powerful and energy-efficient supercomputers, according to the 2019 TOP500 and Green500 lists announced at the International Supercomputer Conference (ISC) in Frankfurt.
ServerCool’s CDUs are cooling 1,246,912 cores and 2,797,604 cores in the TOP500 and Green500 supercomputer lists, respectively. Additionally, 10 of the TOP500’s first 100 supercomputers use ServerCool CDUs, as well as two of the top 10 supercomputers on the Green500 list.
The majority of the lists’ ServerCool applications use CD6 floor-mount 300-kW CDUs. However, future installations will also employ the CDU1200, which features a compact footprint. It also supplies 1.2 MW of cooling capacity in a density of 14.6 square feet, which helps data centers maximize power usage effectiveness (PUE).
“The TOP500 proves that hardware manufacturers are pushing their equipment’s performance envelope at the chip level; however, ServerCool will keep pace with that growth by continuing to develop higher cooling and flow capacities with smaller footprints,” said Stuart Smith, global sales manager, ServerCool division of Nortek Air Solutions.
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