The Cloud Law European Summit will be held November 25, 2014 at Law Society, London. The program for this European summit is designed to provide a proactive, solution-oriented approach to the legal and regulatory challenges cloud presents for enterprises. It could actively drive policy change. Assessing the overall challenges and problems format and content of the programme is framed to encourage debate between the key stakeholders. The debate is geared towards delivering possible solutions to current legal and regulatory blockers.

Within the one-day format, the scope of the content focuses on the enterprise, rather than consumers although inevitably, some commercial elements will seep in — such as those surrounding issues of liability. Drawing on the specific verticals of financial services, biotech/pharma and health care, concentration will be directed at regulatory, rather than legal issues such as:


  • Who owns regulation of cloud?
  • Cloud geography and law
  • What is the scope for integration of standards and regulation - driving interoperability?
  • Examining cloud computing regulation in developing markets — can lessons be learned from other regions?
  • How has growth in PSNs and public sector cloud in the UK impacted regulatory progression?
  • Understanding ownership and responsibility in different types of cloud: Private, Community, Public and Hybrid

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This article was originally posted “Cloud Law European Summit Set For November 25” from Cloud Strategy Magazine.