NaviSite Europe Limited has announced that they have launched two new NaviCloud Director nodes, located in Woking and Redhill, UK. NaviCloud Director™ is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform that leverages VMWare vCloud Director® 5.1, and is designed to provide businesses a flexible and versatile self-service platform well suited for cloud-based production applications. NaviSite provides customer access to VMware APIs and developer community. Customers also have the option of accessing the native vCloud Director user interface or can manage their cloud environment via the NaviSite designed AppCenter portal.

The NaviCloud Director platform addresses two key drivers for cloud adoption in the European marketplace. Firstly the announcement comes as the UK is seeing significant growth in the software development industry. As reported by the Telegraph, according to recent research commissioned by Google, software development will be worth over £30 billion to the UK economy by 2025, and is already thought to be responsible for close to 400,000 jobs across the country. NaviCloud Director allows this growing developer community to create, test and then dynamically publish these applications using the VMware API toolkit.

Secondly the UK Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) recently reported that by the end of 2015, around 80% of UK organizations will run some kind of hybrid IT environment, combining in-house and cloud delivered technologies. NaviCloud Director lets customers connect it to existing physical or virtual environments using the VMware API connectors, enabling clients to move workloads offsite, create business continuity environments or use NaviSite as dynamic “burst” capacity during seasonal peaks.

“We are excited to announce our new UK cloud nodes as it means we can provide our European customers with even more flexibility in how they experience cloud computing,” said Sean McAvan, managing director, NaviSite Europe Ltd. “With the two NaviCloud Director cloud nodes, our customers can now spin up cloud instances using their software and tear them down when they’re done, without any manual intervention. And we can provide effective disaster recovery within UK boundaries, which is important for industries which require data to remain resident in either the UK or European Union. As the NaviCloud Director nodes are both within the UK, NaviSite has the capacity to offer compute resources with minimal latency, which means we can support applications that need near-synchronous replication.”

Additional key features of NaviCloud Director now available to UK customers include:

  • Easy access through AppCenter, vCloud Director, and APIs
  • Mix & match billing models for fixed costs or pay as you go
  • Flexible network architectures allowing for optimal application configuration or regulatory compliance
  • Ability to access and integrate with other NaviCloud and NaviSite Managed Services to accommodate complex applications and business needs


This article was originally posted “NaviSite Launches Two Additional UK Cloud Nodes” from Cloud Strategy Magazine.