Green House Data has announced the appointment of security expert Fred Tanzella to chief technology officer (CTO).
Tanzella is the former CEO and founder of Cirracore, a cloud hosting and colocation provider headquartered in Atlanta. Cirracore was acquired by Green House Data on March 31, 2017.
As CTO, Tanzella will be responsible for leading technology and security strategy, as well as influencing top-line revenue for the company. He has a deep background in Internet security, running large-scale enterprise applications, and growing companies for successful acquisitions.
“We are excited to welcome Fred to executive team,” said Shawn Mills, CEO, Green House Data. “As we continue to grow, Fred’s experience as a technologist will offer our organization and our clients key strategic guidance. In addition, we expect his security expertise will bring an additional layer of sophistication to our traditional and hybrid IaaS offerings.”
Currently, Tanzella serves on the Board of Directors for the Technology Association of Georgia, and the Executive Advisory Board for the National Association of Telecom Professionals. He was a founding member at AirDefense (acquired by Motorola), a founding member of WysDM (acquired by EMC), a founding member of i2Go (acquired by Audiovox), and was head of WebLogic Pervasive Computing at BEA Systems (acquired by Oracle).
“I look forward to this opportunity to step into a leadership role at Green House Data,” said Tanzella. “There is an incredible amount of opportunity to deliver highly secure IT infrastructure into verticals like healthcare and SLED, and horizontally up through organizations of all types that are ready to modernize.”
Green House Data delivers hosting services, IaaS, managed services, and traditional colocation from eight geographic locations across the United States. With access to over 250 carriers, service providers, and content providers spread across west, central, east, and southeast, the company’s customers are uniquely positioned for rapid scale growth. Committed to sustainability, the company is the nation’s 25th largest green power buyer within the technology and telecom space, and a certified B-Corp.
“I look forward to working with Fred as we grow Green House Data and continue to deliver our trademark ‘Built right. Just for you,’ solutions,” said Mills. “Our industry is driving real transformation across the IT landscape, and Fred will help us go even further.”