Sentinel Data Centers has announced the availability of Hudson Fiber Network (HFN), a leading US-based transport, IP and network provider specializing in network solutions for the financial and enterprise communities, at its 430,000-sq-ft Somerset, NJ facility.
"In partnering with best-in-class carriers like HFN, our NJ-1 facility continues to expand as the region's leading carrier-neutral enterprise-class data center," said Nelson Frye, senior director of business development, Sentinel Data Centers. "We expect HFN's diverse offerings and network to provide immense benefit to our NJ-1 customers."
Through the agreement, HFN network services will be available to all of Sentinel's NJ-1 tenants. Sentinel customers can contract directly with HFN for any of its carrier services ranging from Internet services (10 MB through 10 Gig) to data products such as point-to-points, WAN, MPLS and Layer 2 Private Network (10 MB through 100 Gig), and passive wavelengths.
"With the recent launch of our national WAN network, our relationship with Sentinel further accelerates our growth, enabling us to extend our network services to the Sentinel customer base," said Brett Diamond, CEO, Hudson Fiber Network. "We look forward to a continued relationship with Sentinel Data Centers and to the opportunity to design and deploy purpose-built solutions for its enterprise customers."