Green House Data has released its latest improvement to the gBlock® cloud hosting platform with gScale Object Storage, enabling highly scalable, cost-effective storage for documents, media files, video, and other unstructured data.

The new storage modes will also make it easier for users to move clouds between Green House Data and Amazon Web Services Swift-compatible storage environments.

“We’re thrilled to offer customers a new way to take advantage of on-demand cloud infrastructure,” said Green House Data CTO Cortney Thompson. “Object storage is essential in today’s connected world, with more applications generating media-rich files on a near-constant basis.”

“Midsize enterprises that want to keep their on-premises backup software should leverage public cloud IaaS object storage to reduce on-site backup infrastructure and/or eliminate tape backup,” notes James A. Browning, VP distinguished analyst at Gartner, et al. In addition, “using the inexpensive object storage offered by public cloud IaaS providers to replace off-site tape backup is the primary driver for the cloud backup use case.”1

Object storage is distributed, meaning it treats all available hardware and disk drives, and treats files as containers, or buckets, rather than traditional storage, which is highly organized into directories. This allows better performance with less metadata attached to each file.

“We named our object storage platform gScale because it is virtually infinite in its scalability. If you have petabytes of information that you need to access with some regularity, gScale is going to be the ideal cloud storage platform,” said Thompson.

Object storage platforms also allow web interface access from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing convenient retrieval of files.

gScale Object Storage is the third storage option attached to the gBlock Cloud, joining traditional file storage and block storage. The data center provider also offers four tiers of block storage so customers can maximize cost savings and performance depending on the application requirements.


1.      See more at: