September 22, 2014

Schneider Electric blog

Avoiding the urban location hazard for your data center

Author: Nick Razey

Different countries can have quite varying views on the ideal place for data center locations. In the UK for example, the market has sought to site facilities in the greater London area, usually within the M25 Orbital Motorway. Perceived disadvantages of moving data centers away from major urban locations include increased latency, reduced ability to easily access physical hardware, and more complex or time consuming logistics for the construction of the facility as well as the ongoing delivery of IT equipment.


September 18, 2014

Green Data Center blog

Who wants to build a Data Center in Delaware?

ZDNET writes on University of Delaware looking for someone else to build a data center after unanimously rejecting The Data Center LLC.

“Despite the unanimous vote by the board of the University of Delaware to revoke the contract with The Data Centers, LLC to build a data center and co-generation plant on their STAR campus, UD is still actively interested in finding another datacenter tenant for the site. The trick, they say, is to find a traditional datacenter operator who just wants to connect to the public power grid.”


September 15, 2014

Intel: The Data Center Stack

Hackers welcome at Open Data Center Alliance’s Forecast Hackathon

Author: Catherine Spence

We are holding our first ever hackathon for the Open Data Center Alliance at this year’s 2014 Forecast event. This is pretty cool because it isn’t the usual crowd. This will be the first time we are engaging with developers to promote the development of cloud-aware applications. Earlier this year we released a new paper on “Architecting Cloud-Aware Applications” that contains design patterns for coding applications to run well in a cloud. Why does the ODCA [Open Data Center Alliance] care about cloud-aware applications? In short, we are not able to make the most of cloud without these kinds of applications.

From Our Website

as of September 23, 2014


T5 Data Centers™ Breaks Ground On T5@Portland Data Center Campus              

Compass Datacenters Announces $100,000 Guarantee

3. 451 Research Bolsters Research Team                      

4. STULZ Data Center Design Guide

Live Demonstration of CPI’s Passive Cooling Solution               

C&D Technologies Opens New Corporate Test Labs Facility                   

Switch Datacenters Opens Second Datacenter In The Netherlands                      

ViaWest Forms Partnership With Consolidated Communications             

Data Center Efficiency  

OneNeck® IT Solutions Opens Newly Expanded Data Center Space In MN


1. Supercomputer keeps its cool with piping

Electrical Fault Detection and Mitigation in Transformerless UPSs                      

3. Hitec Power Releases QPS UPS                   

T5 Data Centers™ Breaks Ground On T5@Portland Data Center Campus            

5. Data Center Fire System Upgrade     

6.  Data Center Liquid Cooling Boils Over          

7.  CES Group Signs Distribution Agreement With CoolIT Systems                     

8.  Rittal Corp. Names New President                

9.  Rethinking Data Center Design

10. The Evolution Of Modular Data Centers

Top Searches:

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3. energy+efficiency          


5. cost+savings                 

6. cloud+computing

7. webinar

8. data+reliability

9. datacenter+efficiency+summit

10. UPS