IDCA has announced the worldwide release of the Infinity Paradigm™, a comprehensive data center framework that effectively addresses data center industry’s key challenges. For years IDCA has trained numerous data center owners, operators, designers, architects, managers, and professionals around the world, and dealing with real world problems first-hand through interactions with public and private sectors to cater the anticipated antidote the data center industry requires. 

 The Infinity Paradigm is designed to unravel the past ambiguities and provide a crisp and clear-cut vision for the road ahead. IDCA, through its dynamic framework and standards, will address everybody’s data center problem locally, door-to-door, nation-by-nation, as local as cities, states and counties. It will address every industry within the core parameters of that industry and not write one-size fits all prescription for all data centers regardless of their intended purposes. Infinity Paradigm will see data center efficiency, alongside security, availability, resilience, capacity, and operations as a core element of its guidelines, not differ the matters to third party sidelines. It knows better that the single most important single-point-of-failure in data center is the data center site itself and it sees the need and value for data center clouds.

The Infinity Paradigm is the paradigm that will cause a paradigm-shift in the data center industry and reshape the face of the data center and information technology delivery industry, as was once known. Infinity Paradigm effectively renders the data center stakeholder infinite possibilities of effective design, plan, operation, maintenance and compliance to adopt optimum availability, security, efficiency, capacity and resilience metrics. This is achieved through Infinity Paradigm's uniquely comprehensive outlook, encompassing the entire application ecosystem covering Application, Platform, Compute, Application Delivery Infrastructure, IT Infrastructure, Site Facility Infrastructure and Topology.