The Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) has published a new document, titled Open Data Center Alliance: Big Data Consumer Guide to help address the quickly growing need to address big data and associated solutions. A recent report from the states that 15 out of 17 U.S. business sectors have more data stored per company than the U.S. Library of Congress. And by some estimations, 90% of that data has been created in the last two years.

The Big Data Consumer Guide provides an introduction and overview of Big Data, and establishes a common language and definitions that enterprises can use when working with Big Data vendors. The Big Data Consumer Guide was created to allow Enterprises to better understand Big Data and achieve a balance between existing investments and new ones that best address the exponentially increasing volume, velocity, and variety of enterprise data.

The paper will ensure that all parties utilizing and offering big solutions are able to communicate using common terms to help make the process easier and more transparent. The paper also provides insight into potential Big Data use cases.

The ODCA also hope to lay the foundation for a set of future work by the ODCA Data Services Working Group (DSWG). ODCA’s DSWG was established in 2012 to bring solution providers and big data consumers (enterprises) together to help drive the creation of Big Data technologies that are open and standards-based, with a greater degree of interoperability and cost effectiveness for large enterprises in line with the overall mission of the Alliance.

To download the Open Data Center Alliance: Gig Data Consumer Guide and to find out more about the ODCA Data Services Working Group, visit