Chris Croby |
Those of you who visit our website know that we have been adding video and white papers at an increased pace, plus we created a guest blogger section. All of this has been made possible by our new website design. I can also tell you that we are actively looking at ways to improve our newsletter, develop more webinars, and make it easier for you to access our stories using social media.
And by the way, we would like to continue to grow these areas, so please let me know if you would like to guest blog, contribute a video, or even write a feature. Any success we have enjoyed at Mission Critical is due to the enthusiasm of industry experts who want to address our audience. I like to think of our pages as a neutral ground where ideas compete for acceptance in the market. My role is to keep the playing field level, so the competition is fair.
Adding Chris Crosby to our staff as a columnist is the newest change. And I’m enthusiastic about how he fits our line up. While we’ve dubbing his column “Unconventional Thinking,” we could have called it “The Contrarian” or something similar. Expect Chris to upset the status quo, challenge the shibboleths, and slay the sacred cows, all while avoiding euphemisms, clichés, and aphorisms. In short, he’ll pull no punches.
For further proof, check out his blog at Compass Data Centers (, or better yet, read his first column.