Future Facilities North America (Future Facilities NA) has announced that it will host a contest of data center deployment mastery at Data Center World.
Contest participants will deploy IT equipment in a Virtual Facility pre-built with Future Facilities’ flagship 6SigmaDC software. Contestants will attempt to structure deployments that maximize server lifespan, energy efficiency and capacity utilization. During the contest, 6SigmaDC consultants will provide each participant with 6SigmaDC airflow and temperature plots to guide the deployment process. At the show’s conclusion, Future Facilities will run a full computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of each contestant’s deployment to determine the winner, who will receive an iPad.
“This challenge is a fun way to bring attention to the serious issue of lost data center capacity,” said Christian Pastrana, sales manager at Future Facilities. “Not only will contestants get an opportunity to test drive 6SigmaDC, they will also get an understanding for how important proper equipment layout is to an environmentally sound data center.”
Future Facilities will hold its 6Sigma DC Deployment Challenge at booth #416 at the convention, which will occur at the Gaylord Hotel and Conference Center in Nashville, Tennessee from September 30 through October 3.
Attendees interested in one of the limited contest entries can sign up by visiting http://www.futurefacilities.com/DCW/.