The ComRent CRLS 11.5 is a 19-in. rack-mountable load bank used to create true hot-aisle/cold-aisle heat and airflow. The CRLS 11.5 is a load unit with two channels, one input per channel, that can operate at independent voltages. Variable fan-speed control allows adjustment of CFM, temperature Delta, and altitude compensation and can be used to finetune the applied load. This unit’s adjustment range is from 530 CFM to a maximum of 730 CFM per channel. Three load steps per channel allow for five different load combinations, providing a fine load-step resolution at all voltages. Either of the channels can be disabled via the master load switch.mc0312-prod-comrent-300.jpg

This will prevent the fans for that channel from operating and will also inhibit load application for that channel. Fan and control power can be sourced internally or externally. External fan and control power allows the unit to be used to create a Black Start condition. The current draw is 2.6 A at 120 Vac with the fan at its maximum setting (internal or external power). The unit is fully supported by the front mounting plates, removing the need to install temporary shelves in server racks. The CRLS 11.5 features an extensive protection system, including thermal protection, power supply shutdown and wrong voltage detection.