Caterpillar released its Cat 3516C-HD diesel gen set, certified to meet U.S. EPA Tier 4 Interim and California Air Resource Board Tier 4 Interim standards. This 60-Hz package is rated at 2,500 ekW for standby power, 2,250 ekW at prime power, and 2,050 ekW at continuous power, offering highly efficient fuel consumption rates, a compact footprint, and lower emissions for prime power, peak shaving, standby, and mission-critical applications. The 3516C-HD is the latest addition to Caterpillar’s line of Tier 4 Interim certified generator sets. Ranging from 455 kW to 2,500 kW, Caterpillar offers the widest range of Tier 4 Interim certified generator sets in the industry.Gen Sets from Caterpillar

This diesel generator set also features integrated electronics for monitoring, protection and closed loop NOx control, an ADEM A4 controller, air-to-air after cooler cooling system, MEUI fuel system, and state-of-the-art Cat EMCP 4 control panel. This simple-to-use control panel delivers a more intuitive, user-friendly interface, and navigation, and it is scalable to meet a wide range of customer power requirements.