@datacenterpulse Project Quicksilver Finalists Selected - bit.ly/uJGKZY . Congrats to finalists. Going to be kick-ass DC design...
October 31, 2011 6:26:48 PM EDT
HP Offers Workstations Optimized for Adobe, Avid, and Sony Software
October 31, 2011 7:05:00 PM EDT
The Green Grid › Half of Data Centre managers now going back to nature according to new Green Grid research
October 29, 2011 8:54:29 AM EDT
HP Awards $50,000 Technology Suite to “Project Runway” Season Nine Winner
October 27
Loved hearing Andy Bechtolscheim talk about the merits of Open Compute and Open Data Center Alliance
October 19, 2011 8:00:51 PM EDT GigaOM
Happy birthday, Cord Cutters!
By Janko Roettgers
Happy birthday, Cord Cutters!
Today marks a very special birthday for us over here at GigaOM’s NewTeeVee: It’s been exactly a year since we published the first episode of Cord Cutters, our web series about watching TV in new and interesting ways that don’t require a traditional pay TV subscription.
October 19, 2011 7:29:00 PM EDT Data Center Dialog
The cloud is falling, says Gartner: tablets and mobility should top IT’s list instead
Just when you thought cloud computing was receiving an unending supply of positive hype, the Gartner Group pulls a fast one on us. Gartner rolled out their list of strategic technology trends for IT to pay attention to for 2012 at their annual Symposium this week in Orlando. And, instead of Gartner piling on with more publicity for cloud, it seems they pulled a bit of a switcheroo.
October 18
Data Foundry Celebrates Grand Opening of Texas 1 bit.ly/qdaD10
October 12
so true RT @JWVance #blackberry outage is driving people nuts @ CTIA. There’s never a good time for an outage, but this is really bad timing bit.ly/qdaD10
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