The Green Data Center Alliance (GDCA) is calling for Best Practices from data center vendors, consultants, and owner/operators. Since the first call for Best Practices a year ago, the GDCA has doubled in membership and is currently over 9,000 members. With the input of assessed submissions from over 80 organizations across the globe, the GDCA created the first version of DCEEF, with three levels of maturity and over 30 suggested practices in IT, facilities, finance, process, and governance incorporated in this model.
The GDCA has assessed many entities and begun overseeing the framework's suggested improvements and is integrating the findings into utility energy efficiency programs to accelerate projects through offsetting funds. This progress has allowed the GDCA access to amazing examples of innovation from the simple to the exotic.
Participants are urged to review the existing model before submitting a project. All projects must be validated by an owner/operator with sound analysis of results data. To receive the DCEEF emailinfo@greendca.orgor
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