The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) are rolling out new verification testing programs this spring for the ENERGY STAR program. These verification testing programs are designed to address key vulnerabilities in the ENERGY STAR program and have been developed as part of the recent program enhancements.

DOE has posted a program description, “DOE Verification Testing in Support of ENERGY STAR,” for comment on the DOEwebsite.

This program and the verification testing requirements included in EPA's third-party certification program utilize the same sampling approach. The attached guidance for certification bodies (CBs) outlines this sample size approach and how it relates to determining testing failures.

EPA intends to finalize this guidance for CBs regarding sample sizes for verification testing on May 9, 2011. If you have any questions or concerns about the EPA guidance document, please email Kathleen Vokes, EPA,, noting, “Verification Testing Sample Size,” in the subject line of the email.