The organizers of the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, taking place March 6 – 10 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, have announced expanded program offerings in the areas of high-speed data centers, optical internetworking, and data communications for its 2011 conference and exhibition.

With data rates increasing and copper nearing the end of its bandwidth limits, fiber optics is becoming more important in local area networks (LAN). Many of the top optical LAN vendors, including Cisco, Corning, Draka, HP, Juniper, and IBM, will be on hand at OFC/NFOEC presenting new technologies and products. Data center and cloud computing experts from Alcatel-Lucent, Facebook, Hitachi, Google, and Microsoft will cover the latest advances in these fields, while leading industry analysts will offer perspectives on the state of the data communications market.

Full conference program with abstracts is available at