Teradata Corporation received an incentive check from San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) for $250,000 for aggressive energy conservation and innovative green business practices. As a result of its conservation efforts, Teradata now saves 2.5 million kilowatt-hours of energy yearly, which is sufficient to power more than 200 homes for one year.

SDG&E offers companies financial incentives, design assistance, performance audits and training to build greater energy-efficiency into their operations. SDG&E’s energy management initiatives provide a wide range of customized solutions to help lower electricity and natural gas costs and solidify the bottom line. The energy-efficiency and demand-response initiatives plus relevant equipment are designed to help reduce energy usage; lower operating costs and generate real savings.

“Teradata is committed to sustainable business practices that are good for the environment, while contributing to corporate profitability. Our investment in conservation paid for itself within one year,” “Our customers, investors and communities are increasingly looking to Teradata to identify and adopt innovative green business practices across our business, ” said Scott Gnau, chief development officer. "We are committed to helping all of our customers take a proactive approach to energy conservation,” “Through our various energy-efficiency incentive programs, we can help customers save energy and put money back in their pocket.” Caroline Winn, vice president of customer services, San Diego Gas & Electric Company.

Relevant Facts

To achieve a reduction under the energy conservation program, Teradata completed these projects within six months:
  • Server Virtualization - replaced 319 old servers and storage systems; by leveraging virtualization technology, fewer servers were needed to perform the same workload.
  • Monitors – replaced or eliminated 538 energy-consuming cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors in data center labs.
  • Facility Lighting - replaced 4,364 fluorescent lamps with high efficiency lamps.
  • Heating and cooling systems - installed variable frequency drives (VFD) and controls on cooling tower fan motors.