Telecom Exchange (TEX) is #TEXcited to be taking its Telecom Exchange (TEX) event out to LA this fall to bring together technology, enterprise, and telecom companies — in one room — with the sole purpose of getting business done.  In addition to one-on- one meetings, participants will have opportunities to attend five educational roundtables on subjects including Virtual Reality and Communications Ecosystem, Internet of Things (IoT), Cybersecurity, Smart Machines, among others.  And if that isn’t enough, TEX is changing the format of the Tech Showcase to bring participants live demos and software/hardware presentations, making TEX LA even more educational.

Let’s take a closer look at why the numbers are stacked up to attend TEX LA in November:

  • 300+ Attendees – An executive-level networking event – where communications & technology meet. It’s about the right people  all in one room – doing business.
  • 150 One-on-One Meetings – Use our meeting manager tool to meet over 20 media partners and top tech and telecom companies, for face-to-face, targeted networking.
  • 50 Exhibiting Companies – The easiest event for exhibiting; just show up with business cards. Your branded table is waiting for you.
  • 5 CEO Roundtables – These roundtables are an opportunity for key CEOs, from companies like IBM, CenturyLink, Equinix, IO, Fortinet and others, to share their predictions for tech and telecom’s future.  Click here for more.
  • 2 Networking Cocktail Receptions– Even more networking opportunities to close business deals and increase your ROI, including colocating with AutoMobility LA for the Opening Reception. Network with the top automakers and webcentrics in the industry.  Click here for more.
  • 1 Room for Live Demos – Companies are taking advantage of live demos and software/hardware presentations to attendees, making TEX even more educational.

Are you #TEXcited yet?

TEX LA exhibit space is selling out quickly with over 45% of the exhibit tables sold and are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.  A limited number of sponsorship packages are still available. Check out the branding opportunities here.

For more information on these opportunities or how to participate at TEX LA on November 14 & 15, email at