Age: 29
Education: Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Achievements/Awards: Numerous BRAVO awards (company incentive awards)

What led you to a career in technology?

I have always been interested in technology innovation, along with inspiration and encouragement from high school teachers and family. I wanted a career that helps to make the world a better and easier place to live, and I think that a career in technology does that.

What motivates you to go above and beyond in your current position?

I feel a sense of great accomplishment and worthiness to create products that help to protect the country. To know that my work is making an impact across the globe is huge to me.

What role does sustainability play in your life both personally and professionally?

Sustainability in my personal life consists of being as kind to the planet as possible. This includes recycling everyday goods when possible, using a refillable water bottle, turning offlights that I do not need, and trying to waste the least amount of paper possible. Professionally, I use sustainability by carpooling to work or lunch when possible and using a PDF editor instead of printing. We also try to use materials that can be refurbished over time to limit waste.

What is the most fascinating lesson you have learned while working with technology?

I have learned that technology is changing every day and that we should keep an open mind to change rather than let our old ways hold us back from infinite possibilities.

What is unique about you personally?

I enjoy all sports, being outdoors, and travelling. I am part of a traveling flag football team that competes worldwide. I enjoy new challenges.

What is unique about you professionally?

I believe that others are intrigued by my calmness and determination under pressure. I am also always looking to offer help when needed.

What is your most admirable quality?

My most admirable quality is being open-minded and my willingness to learn new things

Why is diversity, equality, and inclusion necessary for this industry?

Technology affects all races, genders, and other groups. This means that all groups should take part in developing it. Each and every person is capable of producing great ideas and could provide different perspectives that others may not see.

What aspect of the industry has the most potential for growth, and how can we accelerate that?

I believe energy efficiency has the most potential for growth. Using less harmful resources and creating an infrastructure around this (for example, a larger electrical or solar-powered grid) can accelerate this.

Where does the industry need the most improvement, and what can we learn from the current shortcomings?

I think the industry could do better at new hire retention and encouraging young and diverse minds to stay interested in technology. I think we can learn that young minds are valuable and critical in keeping up with change.

When you imagine the future technology, what does it look like?

Artificial intelligence plays a huge part in future technology. I imagine that petroleum-based products will be replaced with more energy efficient living (electric, solar energy, hydro power, etc.).

What advice do you have for women and other minorities who are currently working in the industry but don’t necessarily feel like they belong?

I would say that being uncomfortable in not necessarily a bad thing. When we stop challenging ourselves, it is hard to grow and elevate. The imposter syndrome is extremely common among many diverse individuals. You have put in the work, and you are worthy.

What advice do you have for young girls who may be interested in a future career in technology?

My advice would be to do what you think will make you happy and is the most rewarding to you. There may not be many people that look like you in your field, but that is okay. The only way to be successful is to not give up.


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