Anord Critical Power, Inc. (ACPI) has further enhanced safe power distribution unit (PDU) maintenance with the new ISOCompartment solution. The ISOCompartment is an innovative solution that enables workers to safely connect load cables with bus bars -- fed by an output breaker -- after the unit has been energized. The solution mitigates the risk of harmful, accidental shock to data center and mission-critical facility workers while performing routine maintenance on PDU devices.  

Anord’s new solution enables maintenance workers to populate PDUs and then have the ability to add breakers as needed by pre-wiring breakers, cabled from the load side of the spare breaker, directly into the ISOCompartment. PDU compartment separation is key to promoting worker safety:

  • ISOCompartments are separated by barriers.
  • Breakers are pre-wired to ISOCompartments.
  • Separate doors for each ISOCompartment.